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2024-05-15 06:47经典句子人已围观

简介用英文介绍自行车? 答:Bike is a common and popular traffic tool in China. Almost everyone owns a bike. I have a black bike. It has been a good friend of mine. I clean it almost every day at the beginning. Now I just leave it alone


答:Bike is a common and popular traffic tool in China. Almost everyone owns a bike. I have a black bike. It has been a good friend of mine. I clean it almost every day at the beginning. Now I just leave it alone because of my busy study. But it still does me good service.


骑自行车: 1、by bike; 2、ride a bike(bicycle); 3、bicycle riding;扩展资料:;例句:1、请你教我怎样骑自行车。;Teach me how to ride a bicycle.;2、我呢,骑自行车去,你们呢,坐汽车去。;I'm going by bike, and you may go by bus.;3、平常我骑自行车上班。;I go to work by bicycle as a rule. ; 4、严格说来,我并不完全是一个初学者——几年前我经常骑自行车。;I am not a learner as such — I used to ride a bike years ago ; 5、周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物。;You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend. ; 6、自行车骑行过程中脚踏力的分析;Pedal forces analysis in bicycle riding ; 7、跑步、游泳及骑自行车只是有氧锻炼的3种方式。;Jodding, swimming, and bicycle riding are just three kinds of aerobic exercise.


to ride a bicycle to cycle bike riding to ride a bicycle cycle by bike bike riding bicycle by bicycle bo ride a bicycle 那个骑自行车的人在车水马龙中迂回穿行。That cyclist was weaving his way through the busy traffic. 他骑自行车与汽车比赛。He raced his bicycle against the motorcar. 骑自行车是项很好的运动,同时也不污染空气。Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it doesn’t pollute the air. 骑自行车是一种环保的交通方式。Cycling is an environmentally friendly form of transport. 我们希望鼓励人们骑自行车上班。We hope to encourage people to bike to work.


通常情况下,我们会说Bike,代表自行车的意思,但这里指的是单量,如果有很多辆自行车,我们会说Bikes,这代表的是多量,还有就是the bike,指定这辆自行车。

两种说法,BICYCLE和bike。 这两种说法都是用来指自行车,脚踏车,单车,特别是bicycle一般特指的都是自行车单车,它的指向性更准确一点

1、 bicycle:单车,是一种两个车轮的车辆,可以被人骑行。 2、 tricycle:三轮车,是一种由三个车轮组成的车。它的车轮一般都比一轮车的车轮要大一些。 3、 tandem bike:双人车,是一种由两个车轮组成的双人自行车,被人们用来理想地搭载两个人同时骑行。 4、 cruiser bikes:海滨自行车,是一种两个大车轮,齿条式整流加热曲线外形,上面有一个座椅的车类。它被设计成人们可以漫不经心地漫步街道或者海滩,只是坐在上面而已。

在自行车英语的说法: Mountain bike(MTB):山地车 Road:公路车 Track:场地车 Fixed Gear:固齿车/死飞 DownHill bike:速降自行车 E-Bike:电动助力自行车




